Wednesday, July 7, 2010

#3b (Blah, Blah, Blog...)

RE: Teddy Bears Blogging
I am not surprised to learn about this teacher's experience with blogging for classroom based learning in a second grade class. Blogging is a cheap, secure way to provide a forum for discussion--or other materials, for students. I have experience using blogs for educational purposes (as mentioned in my Dexter response), and would love to find meaningful ways to use them again. Each time I used a blog for my classes, I have used

As for blogging... well, I used to think it was interesting, until it became clear that everyone has a blog... it's just a bit overwhelming. Millions and millions of blog posts, and trying to read any is like speed-dating. Unfortunately, we have to exercise interest and motivation to participate in the process. Search, sort, and then read. Ugh, the reading. At first, it seems a worthy trade-off: your time for an interesting, imaginary friend of sorts. Then it becomes clear, that there is just a lot of stuff you are not interested in. But (as in dating) to get to the good stuff, you have to spend otherwise valuable time sorting through the over-saturated pool of blog-material.

I am bothered by the use of blogs as marketing tools--yuck, pituey! However, I enjoy the unwritten rule that there are no rules, and magically, I am writing a blog RIGHT NOW!!! And I am not overly concerned about anything, because in blog-land, we are not really ourselves, we are better than ourselves. We have an audience (we hope), and yet we are alone.

I have created blogs for my work (more than once), and I recently started a blog, something I promised myself I would do before returning to work after maternity leave. It's been about 3 months since I have posted anything, and to my dismay, I have had only one visitor. It turned out to be my husband. What are the odds??

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