Wednesday, July 14, 2010

#7) Copyright Issues for Educators

Carelessness with copyright violation is very common among educators, and after doing the readings on this topic, I am cringing at all of the past transgressions I have made... One thing that strikes me as seriously lacking in the discussion regarding fair use for educative purposes, is the fact that most educators (whether formal teachers, social service providers, or even counselors) are hard-pressed for time, energy, and adequate resources. Instructors are often accountable for their time--given only a "class period" or two for all of their planning. If, hypothetically, they are to create and manufacture their own material, texts, images, and videos, most teachers wouldn't have much time for the classroom. And though there may be school districts that can afford and are willing to purchase many resources (software, videos, etc.), more often the case is that schools can barely manage the financial burdens placed on them to run modestly. I understand the need for copyright law, and respect many of the intentions behind it, however, I believe that every individual has the right to the best, least restrictive, most accessible education possible, and that access to software, images, music, and texts shouldn't be reserved for those who can afford it.

Ultimately, I understand what changes I need to make in the future when designing materials and presentations for instructional purposes... but I don't like it much.

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